21 Game lintas platform PC / Android / iOS 2019 terbaik

Sebagian besar pengembang video game merilis sub-versi dari kreasi mereka. Dengan perkembangan tablet, bola mulai berkembang lebih cepat. Komputer kecil yang kuat memberi lebih banyak peluang daripada standar smartphones saat sedang mobile dan mudah digunakan.

Beberapa game lintas platform ini bahkan disinkronkan melalui satu akun game. Artinya, semua kemajuan yang Anda buat di satu perangkat tidak hilang di yang lain.

Kami memutuskan untuk membuat daftar game lintas platform terbaik dan terpopuler untuk Android / iOS dan PC sehingga Anda dapat menikmati aplikasi favorit Anda di mana saja. Mungkin gim favorit Anda memiliki versi seluler, dan Anda bahkan tidak mengetahuinya – ada baiknya mencari tahu!

Jangan kelaparan: Edisi Saku

Gim bertahan hidup, yang memiliki platform silang dan basis pemain yang sudah ada. Kisah ilmuwan gila Wilson masuk ke satwa liar, di mana ia harus bertahan hidup, mencari makanan dan tempat berlindung.

Selama permainan Anda menjelajahi peta, menemukan item baru yang mungkin berguna bagi Anda. Hati-hati: jika Anda bertemu monster, Anda akan kehilangan kesehatan dalam pertempuran yang tidak setara, yang membutuhkan waktu terlalu lama untuk pulih.

Jangan lupa tentang sumber cahaya: di malam hari, itu perlu bagi Anda. Anda harus membangun rumah kecil, menemukan setidaknya beberapa makanan & air dan cahaya. Semua ini diperlukan untuk bertahan malam di hutan.

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Tentu saja, Anda bisa tetap terjaga dan pergi di malam hari. Tapi ingat tentang cahaya: tanpanya, mati. Serius. Dalam kegelapan, layar terbungkus dalam kegelapan dan karakter mati. Tetapi kematian tidak menghalangi Anda dari kemajuan game.

Setelah kematian, Anda menerimanya – tergantung pada berapa banyak waktu yang harus dilakukan untuk kehidupan karakter. Setelah kematian, Anda mungkin menemukan karakter baru atau kemampuan baru – jadi pertimbangkan bahwa kematian adalah kehidupan baru.

Gim ini dianggap tidak ada habisnya – gim ini menjadi semakin rumit seiring dengan meningkatnya keterampilan Anda. Jadi Anda bisa memainkannya sampai Anda bosan dengan ide permainan itu sendiri.

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Grafik dalam versi seluler sedikit lebih buruk daripada di versi lengkap: gambar agak kabur. Manajemen juga menderita: menggunakan alat selama pertandingan sangat tidak nyaman. Namun, gim ini dirancang untuk mouse dan keyboard, bukan sensor ponsel Anda. Tetapi seseorang dapat merasa lebih nyaman – kita semua berbeda.

Bahkan jika Anda sudah memainkan Donve Start, itu masih akan menghibur Anda. Selama beberapa jam, Anda pasti akan membenamkan diri dalam suasana hutan yang gelap dan bertahan hidup. Unduh Jangan kelaparan dan mencerahkan malam Anda – tidak peduli betapa ironisnya suara itu tentang grafis berwarna abu-abu dari aplikasi tersebut.

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Roblox adalah platform game online yang sangat besar. Sudah memiliki jutaan pengguna terdaftar di seluruh dunia. Secara umum, Roblox adalah seperangkat game multipemain yang dibuat oleh pengguna sendiri. Artinya, semua yang Anda lihat, gunakan atau mainkan dibuat oleh orang-orang seperti Anda. Ini adalah platform game pertama yang dirancang khusus untuk remaja dan anak-anak yang kreatif.

Aplikasi ini memiliki bagian Roblox Studio khusus. Ini adalah alat untuk kreasi dan kreativitas. Fantasizing, Anda dapat mengembangkan di bidang desain komputer. Anda dapat membuat lokasi atau objek Anda sendiri, bersaing dengan pemain lain dalam pendekatan kreatif.

Anda juga dapat bermain online dengan orang-orang di seluruh dunia atau dengan teman-teman Anda dalam kenyataan – akun Roblox mengizinkannya. Dalam gim, Anda membuat karakter unik Anda sendiri – dengan meniru, pakaian, benda, dan aksesori. Mereka bisa konyol dan bodoh – semuanya terserah Anda.

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Platform Roblox sendiri gratis dan tidak memerlukan pembelian sebelumnya. Tetapi pada saat yang sama, Anda memiliki kesempatan untuk membeli Robux mata uang dalam game untuk uang nyata dan melakukan pembelian tepat di dalam game. Para pemain terkemuka, yang berkembang di platform itu sendiri, mendapatkan uang nyata dan bahkan menggunakan game sebagai pendapatan nyata. Hobi bisa menjadi pekerjaan!

Jika Anda sudah memiliki akun Roblox, Anda dapat menggunakannya untuk masuk ke platform apa pun. Jika tidak, Anda dapat mengunduh aplikasi ke perangkat Anda dan mulai membuat konten berbasis blok sekarang.

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21 Game lintas platform PC / Android / iOS 2019 terbaik 9

Badland adalah game pendamping. Karakter utama yang Anda mainkan mirip dengan hewan landak. Anda mengendalikannya dalam perjalanan melalui gurun dan hutan, tetapi mereka menyembunyikan bahaya di dalamnya.

Meskipun mereka terlihat ajaib, Anda sudah tahu secara intuitif bahwa sesuatu yang salah sedang terjadi. Dan ketika Anda memulai permainan, Anda menyadari apa itu: karakter bertemu banyak jebakan dan bahaya dalam perjalanannya, yang harus Anda atasi.

Antarmuka permainan ini sederhana dan pada saat yang sama menarik perhatian: semuanya dilakukan dalam bentuk siluet gelap. Minimalisme menarik dan membuat Anda bergerak terus-menerus di tingkat.

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Hanya untuk mode satu pengguna lebih dari 100 level, dan pengembang memberikan kesempatan bagi pengguna untuk membuat level mereka sendiri dengan hambatan dan kesenjangan, untuk membagikannya lebih lanjut dengan teman dan pemain lain.

Mode multipemain yang tidak biasa juga tersedia. Ini dapat memiliki hingga 4 pemain dan memiliki total lebih dari 30 level. Ini bukan mode permainan jaringan, seperti yang mungkin Anda pikirkan: semua 4 pemain menggunakan perangkat yang sama secara bersamaan.

Ini mungkin untuk kenyamanan tablet, misalnya. Hanya pemain yang paling beradaptasi dari empat yang akan bertahan – itu akan menjadi pemenang.

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Anda akan selalu menemukan level baru dan tidak biasa dengan tantangan baru. Jika Anda ingin membuat sesuatu sendiri, maka semua kemungkinan juga dibuat. Pengembang terus-menerus merilis paket tingkat lanjut, membuat game ini semakin menarik. Selama 6 tahun keberadaan Badland tidak membosankan bagi pengguna berkat dinamismenya.

Tunjukkan kepada semua orang dan buktikan kepada diri Anda sendiri bahwa Anda dapat mencapai akhir. Bagaimanapun, ini adalah tujuan utama Badland – untuk mengatasi semua bahaya tidak peduli apa.

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Crashlands adalah gim RPG yang akan menjerumuskan Anda ke dunia makhluk dan petualangan aneh. Secara umum, ini adalah permainan kerajinan tangan, di mana Anda tidak terbatas dalam stok barang dan peralatan, serta Anda dapat menjinakkan hewan dan mengatur pertarungan yang luar biasa. Selain itu, ada alur cerita yang menarik.

Dalam ceritanya, Anda jatuh di planet asing karena niat buruk Hewgodooko yang misterius. Anda harus berusaha keras untuk mengatasi konspirasi penguasaan dunia! Di wilayah musuh, Anda harus mengumpulkan benda, membangun yang baru untuk beradaptasi dan bertahan hidup.

Semua trik yang akhirnya bisa Anda temukan dari penduduk setempat – tidak semua dari mereka bermusuhan. Dalam proses permainan, Anda mengatasi bos, menemukan aspek-aspek baru dalam sejarah dan semakin banyak terjun ke dunia misterius Crashlands.

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Realitas Crashlands sendiri sepertinya tidak ada habisnya: Anda dapat menjelajahi tiga bioma daratan yang menghuni empat ras, yang mampu berpikir dan merasakan. Setiap makhluk yang bisa dijinakkan dan diinkubasi – di Crashlands sangat mudah!

Anda kemudian dapat menggunakan makhluk itu sebagai pekerja kerajinan tangan untuk membuat barang-barang berguna, sebagai penolong dalam pertempuran atau hanya teman – pilihan ada di tangan Anda. Bagaimanapun, itu tidak akan sia-sia.

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Di Crashlands Anda dapat mencoba sendiri sebagai pembangun. Proses membangun terlihat hampir seperti menggambar – di bawah melodi yang berbeda Anda cukup menggerakkan jari di layar, sehingga menciptakan basis dan konstruksi.

Sistem pertempuran epik tidak akan membuat penggemar genre acuh tak acuh. Anda dapat bertarung dengan bantuan pemain kedua – mode ini juga disediakan! Dan yang paling penting: semua kemajuan disimpan dengan bantuan cloud lintas platform. Mainkan dengan senang hati, tanpa kehilangan poin pengalaman di salah satu perangkat Anda.

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Anda juga dapat memeriksa: 10 game horor multipemain terbaik untuk Android & iOS

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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

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Saat ini orang-orang yang belum pernah mendengar Blizzard dengan jelas melihat nama itu karena satu-satunya alasan mereka mungkin belum pernah mendengar tentang perusahaan populer ini adalah karena mereka tuli. Atau buta. Tetapi dia tidak akan dibiarkan tanpa informasi atas kehendaknya sendiri!

Hearthstone adalah permainan kartu strategis di mana Anda harus berpikir ke depan beberapa langkah. Awalnya mungkin terlihat sederhana, tetapi itu adalah perasaan menipu!

Anda berperan sebagai salah satu karakter Warcraft – kelas apa saja. Karena permainan ini adalah permainan kartu, Anda mengumpulkan kartu Anda. Dari kartu yang tersedia untuk Anda, Anda perlu membuat kombinasi yang paling efektif, yang secara instan akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada musuh.

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Setiap kriteria – serangan, buff, debuff memengaruhi kartu lawan Anda, jadi Anda harus berhati-hati saat memilih karakter. Kemudian, Anda menyesuaikan kartu Anda terhadap lawan. Bangun strategi yang dengannya Anda menghancurkan siapa pun dengan bantuan petir, sambaran, dan kehancuran.

Hearthstone agak mirip poker. Anda merancang strategi Anda, membuat gertakan dan mengumpulkan kombinasi luar biasa yang dapat membawa Anda ke kemenangan. Seiring waktu, Anda mungkin mendapatkan kartu baru yang lebih kuat dari kartu Anda. Anda juga bisa membelinya. Membeli paket dengan booster akan membuat proses ini lebih cepat, mis. Mempercepat progres game Anda.

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Untuk setiap pemain ada satu level: Anda awalnya bisa bermain di luar peringkat, tanpa bersaing, dan hanya mengakumulasikan pengalaman bermain. Anda juga dapat mencapai garis pertama dalam tabel peringkat pemain secara keseluruhan – tetapi perhatikan bahwa ini kemungkinan akan membutuhkan investasi.

Pemain top memiliki jumlah kartu yang sangat besar yang memberi mereka keunggulan kompetitif yang hebat. Tetapi Anda dapat menikmati gameplay dan berpikir melalui strategi tanpa investasi. Yang utama adalah proses yang sebenarnya, bukan?

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21 Game lintas platform PC / Android / iOS 2019 terbaik 24

XCOM dirancang khusus untuk para gamer yang ingin bermain video game berdasarkan sains dan teknologi serta strategi aksi, pesawat ruang angkasa dan pertempuran. Ini adalah serangkaian permainan strategis yang terjadi di dunia alien. Anda memiliki akses penuh ke kapal dan melihat seluruh situasi dari luar.

XCOM: Musuh Dalam adalah tambahan lanjutan untuk XCOM: Musuh Tidak Diketahui. Untuk menginstalnya, tentu saja, Anda harus menginstal versi gim yang asli. Inovasi utama dan utama adalah pengenalan satu basis, yang harus Anda gunakan.

Di benua lain Anda hanya menjadi tuan rumah pangkalan udara. Anda juga bertarung melawan invasi alien, melawan mereka dan membangun strategi kemenangan Anda sendiri. Tugas Anda adalah menyediakan dan menjamin keamanan lengkap dari masing-masing 16 negara bagian Anda.

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Di tambahan baru, Anda dapat membangun laboratorium genetik yang akan membantu Anda meningkatkan kinerja fisik pejuang Anda dan juga mengembangkan exoskeleton khusus. Masing-masing dapat dilengkapi dengan senjata atau bagian sesuai keinginan.

Organisasi EXALT paling berbahaya akan muncul. Tujuan utama mereka adalah membantu alien menyerang, dan milikmu adalah untuk melawan mereka. Selain itu, para pengembang telah menambahkan elemen seperti "komposisi".

Ini akan membantu Anda menemukan perbaikan baru, yang akan membantu Anda mencapai tujuan.

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Tampaknya ketika Anda mentransfer game dari komputer Anda ke smartphone Anda, ceritanya akan menderita, seperti halnya kontrol game. Namun, tidak! Gameplay intuitif ditransmisikan ke penekanan layar Anda, yang Anda lakukan hampir secara tidak sadar. XCOM: Musuh dalam pada tablet dan smartphones tampak seperti itu di monitor komputer Anda – dan itu luar biasa.

Anda juga berusaha melakukan sebanyak mungkin kerusakan pada lawan Anda sambil melindungi diri sendiri dan sumber daya Anda sebanyak mungkin.

Proses game identik dengan gameplay PC biasa. Anda hanya menggunakan layar sentuh sebagai kontrol karakter, membangun strategi Anda dan mencoba untuk menghentikan alien jahat. Sangat mudah bagi Anda untuk memainkan seluruh permainan bahkan di luar ruangan, langsung dari ponsel cerdas Anda dengan XCOM: Musuh Dalam selalu siap membantu Anda.

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PUBG Mobile

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PUBG telah mendapatkan popularitas belum lama ini tetapi telah menjadi game kultus. Ini adalah game online dalam mode multi-pemain. Alur ceritanya adalah 100 pemain (atau kurang) bertarung dalam "pertempuran kerajaan" untuk bertahan hidup.

Anda melompat dengan parasut, di mana Anda memilih saat lompat sendiri. Awalnya, Anda tidak memiliki peralatan, aksesori, atau barang tambahan lainnya. Semua ini harus Anda dapatkan sendiri dalam proses permainan.

Obat-obatan, peralatan, senjata – semua yang Anda temukan hanya menjelajahi daerah tersebut. Semua bangunan dan fasilitas tersedia untuk pencarian dan masing-masing dari mereka dapat menyembunyikan barang-barang yang diperlukan untuk Anda. Area bermain dapat dikurangi tepat pada saat pertandingan – dan pengurangan ini akan menyebabkan kematian semua orang di luar itu.

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Versi seluler gim sepenuhnya mereproduksi versi komputer lengkap di ponsel cerdas Anda. Semua peta juga ditampilkan secara rinci di perangkat Anda. Kondisi cuaca, musim dan waktu hari ditampilkan sepenuhnya – seolah-olah Anda benar-benar di medan perang.

Ketika kami berbicara tentang fakta bahwa semua gambar dari PC ditransfer ke versi seluler – kami tidak bercanda atau melebih-lebihkan sama sekali. Karena kenyataan bahwa game ini ditulis untuk mesin Unreal 4 yang paling kuat, para pengembang memberi Anda kejelasan komputer bahkan pada layar sentuh kecil.

Semua senjata di PUBG Mobile realistis dan bahkan mengulangi semua fitur fisik model nyata. Kecepatan peluru, penetrasi, muatan, dan banyak lagi – dengan cara ini Anda bahkan akan mulai memahami senjata tempur modern.

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Di atas segalanya, ada kendaraan yang juga mengulangi model asli mereka. Dengan mereka, Anda mendapatkan mobilitas geografis – bergerak di atas air, darat dan off-road dengan jenis transportasi khusus, sehingga memperluas kemampuan game Anda.

Fitur PUBG Mobile adalah bahwa para pemain yang gemar bermain game dari smartphone, bertarung melawan orang yang sama. Meskipun game ini lintas platform, pengembang menyamakan peluang semua pengguna.

Artinya, pemain dengan versi komputer tidak akan berada dalam satu pertempuran dengan pemain di perangkat Android. Pengembang menyamakan peluang Anda satu sama lain – Anda hanya perlu menunjukkan bahwa Anda adalah yang terkuat dan layak untuk bertahan dalam "pertempuran kerajaan" ini.

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Fortnite Battle Royale Mobile

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Versi populer lainnya dari "The Royal Battle". Para pemain, juga di PUBG, berjuang untuk bertahan hidup dalam pertandingan. The main goal that everyone wants is to stay on the map as the last one and prove to opponents that they are the strongest.

The action of the game begins with the fact that everyone is affected by the scariest virus. Almost the entire population has become monsters, and then a small number of people that remain, fighting among themselves for survival and resources.

Totally Fortnite Battle Royale Mobile provides 3 game modes – single, squad and pair. The squad consists of 4 players, and the pair consists of two players, respectively. In each mode the targets are unchanged.

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In Building Mode, you can build new buildings and structures – for example, a defensive wall to fight the enemy, or destroy any building with a few strokes of a pickaxe.

The inventory department has only 5 slots, which you can fill with first-aid kits, ammunition, and weapons.

The mobile version of the game is not quite identical to the computer version. For example, there are no machines here, while they are available to players playing on a PC. The mobile version itself, as well as similar to it PUBG Mobile, is written on the engine Unreal 4, so that the graphics and visual part of the application is above all praise.

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Fortnite Battle Royale Mobile is a completely cross-platform game, so you can enjoy the game from both your PC and your Android device. It is not always possible to sit down and go to the world of royal battle for a few hours – sometimes it is worth using the smartphone version to be more mobile in real life.

In any case, your favorite game now with you can be just everywhere – it remains only to install it.

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World of Tanks Blitz

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Tank battles – one of the most popular subject branches in the shooters of our time. Military theme has always been close to users and found a response among people of all genders and ages. In World of Tanks Blitz all actions take place in the Second World War period.

The emphasis in the game is on tank battles. At your disposal to choose from more than 350 exclusive vehicles, each of which is unique and inimitable. Choose the machines to suit your needs – the developers have created models for every taste.

All vehicles are realistically reproduced, that is when the 3D model was created real military drawings and developments were used. All the tanks are fighting on an equal basis – this is the only way you can demonstrate all your combat power and think about the winning strategy.

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All battles are held in the format of 7 x 7 players. You can choose from 25 locations. World of Tanks Blitz is focused on the mechanized battle for casual gamers. The developers also offer you to make in-game purchases, which are designed to facilitate your battles and give you an advantage over your opponents.

The mobile phone version is slightly optimized and does not exactly repeat the full computer version. But thanks to this you can play without hanging pictures, bugs and other obstacles. The fight is fast and dynamic, and server optimization is good to ensure that the game is not lagging and there are no issues.

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All standard controls are well maintained and the game does not lose its functionality due to the change of PC platform on Android. Fans of tank battles will definitely like the fact that your favorite application is now even more mobile!

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World of Warships Blitz

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Another exciting game in epic battle mode. World of Warships Blitz is a mobile version of the acclaimed and popular game World of Warships, developed for personal computers. The developers of the game, as you could understand, are Wargaming. So you can say that World of Tanks Blitz is the brother of World of Warships Blitz.

World of Warships Blitz presents you more than 200 models of ships, cruisers, and battleships of the First and Second World Wars. In addition to the ship, you choose the country under the flag of which you will fight. Choose carefully and thoughtfully: each country pursues its own goals and has its own allies.

Models of vehicles are realistic and really in many ways repeat the originals. The battle is usually conducted in the format of 7 x 7 players. In the shooter, you fight in the First Person for yourself.

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Think of a strategy to hit the enemy team – it can be a constant attack, Blitzkrieg or another strategy. You can think it through to the smallest detail and take into account all the nuances and benefits of your vehicles!

The game is played in a military-style. Sea battles impose their own features on the battles – so that the battles will be liked by fans of realism. Action fights, constant dynamics and the ability to play both offline and online do not leave anyone indifferent.

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Of course, as in World of Tanks Blitz, the team of developers Wargaming has optimized the game and is different from the usual full version on the PC. But still, fans and true lovers of the genre will accurately appreciate the work at its true value.

Graphics, technology models and management are transferred as accurately as possible, you can easily and intuitively learn to manage large cruisers and battleships, become a true captain. Exciting 3D graphics will take you to the dynamic world of military naval battles and you simply can not get off your smartphone.

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Almost all the people who were somehow interested in the world of video games and gaming, in general, heard about the cult block game. It is played by many users around the world, and the age of the players can vary from 10 to 45 years old and this is not even the limit. Freedom of play attracts people of all ages and social status, so you do not have to look at age restrictions.

The endless world of Minecraft is the key to the game. It is an area with an opened ending so the game has no ending at all. Users create, build, fight, and craft on their own in the game environment – they have absolutely no restrictions on these actions. You can hit a tree several times, get a stick resource and create a workbench – it only takes a few seconds.

There are only two modes in the game: creative mode, in which you create something new, and survival mode, in which you explore the world around you. Creative mode goes with background music.

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You have unlimited resources and time. All that can stop you is your imagination. You do not even have indicators such as health or satiety – you just create something new. In the survival mode, on the contrary, you have all these indicators. You collect resources to build a house and cook food. This is the only way you will be able to explore further and live.

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The game has a change of time of day, as well as user-friendly gameplay. With its help, you can manage your existing items and much more. Also in the game, there is a market where you can put your items or buy the ones you need from other players.

The online mode is available. Connect up to 10 friends to the online mode and explore the fascinating world of Minecraft together. How it all ends – only you can decide!

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Pixel Worlds: MMO Sandbox

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Pixel Worlds is an indie sandbox game in which many users around the world can interact with each other. It allows you to create, design, develop and express everything you want to contribute to the world of online gaming.

The main thing is that in Pixel Worlds you are in contact with a lot of strangers and outsiders. You make new friendships and compete in creativity with your friends from real life.

Pixel Worlds is a multitude of worlds that are created by users without any restrictions. You create your Pixel Graphics that other users can see. Throughout the game, you can destroy, build and create something new without restrictions. When we say “everything”, we mean literally everything – clothes, objects, houses, etc.

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When you travel through the two-dimensional world, you can get into the mysterious caves where monsters live. Fight them – this is part of the gameplay!

By collecting objects and jewels for the killed creatures, you gain the opportunity to boost your character. You can also get them by crossing objects with each other and selling the result. The economy of Pixel Worlds is fully owned by the players themselves: you set prices and trade with the same users like you. You can even sell the entire worlds that you have created!

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By joining the online community, you can find new friends and customers. You can then contact them directly at Pixel Worlds and continue to communicate. The community of the game is very friendly and united, so you can find new friends for sure.

The game is cross-platform, so you can watch your game progress from any of your devices. Just download the Pixel Worlds device and never lose sight of it – this way your gaming friends will always be in touch with you.

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Pokemon Trading Card Game Online

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Pokémons are amazing creatures that fascinate people all over the world. We know them from the cartoon under the same name. Whole series and seasons captured the minds and hearts of thousands of people.

Such frenzied popularity gave rise to other products related to them – cards, chips, fan items, and posters. And, of course, themed video games. Games with the prettiest characters could not but be successful, and the Pokemon Trading Card Game confirmed that.

You can take on the role of Pokemon Coach and fight with the same Pokemon trainers around the world. Show what you can do! As the game progresses, you will unlock more and more cards and abilities, as well as improve your playing and planning skills – just like the Ash.

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The training takes place right during the gameplay. Initially, you choose the cards from the decks – fire, water, herbs – and you immediately join the game. Your collection of cards will grow with each battle – to get new cards you need to gain experience points and new skills.

If your skills are too weak for real battle, there is a battle mode with the computer. On it you can sharpen your skills to perfection – so that the enemy will be defeated within the first seconds.

Pokemon Trading Card Game holds tournaments between players around the world. When you feel like you want to take part in it, feel free to move forward! So you get invaluable experience and the opportunity of huge rewards – and what can be better than rewards? Prove to the rest of the players that you are the best at managing your deck!

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You can also create your own personal cards to develop your own personal style. This way, the game becomes even more interesting.

There is one nuance: Pokemon Trading Card Game is supported on tablets, but not on regular phones. So for a more mobile and portable version, you only need to play on a tablet – but it is not a personal computer anyway, right?

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Vendetta Online

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Vendetta Online is a cross-platform game, with impressive good graphics and a thoughtful plot. The storyline has several branches of evolution and history so that users are not bored.

The game has three races – Itani, Serco, and UIT. Between them, there is a confrontation and sometimes even conflicts. Each of them has its own advantages and features that can be used in these battles.

When you start the game you choose your race. It will continue to determine the course of development of your game strategy. The type of gameplay will depend on your next choice – the type of activity.

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Profession can be different – from a pirate to a trader. Your choice of missions and tasks will further depend on it. The game, of course, does not provide any strictness in the development of characters, but you understand that the merchant can not have a mission of robbery.

You can trade between stations, fight with other players for an additional reward or build an empire against pirates. In the course of the game, you develop your skills, which you can learn at the educational level of the game.

For in-game purchases, you will have to search and extract minerals, transport goods between stations and many other things – or you will simply not advance! The economy in the game is complex and depends solely on the players.

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Each sector of the galaxy is dangerous. Which sector you will belong to – depends on the type of your occupation.

Battle management is also your choice – the controls can even be displayed on the screen. It all depends on your preferences – how you will be more comfortable to control your ship during a real battle!

You can improve your ship and change it to a more advanced model – it all depends on you. Earn money on missions and then you can afford the latest technology.

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Villagers and Heroes

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The fantasy genre has always been and remains one of the best and most popular among video games. Users crave magic, miracles and unusual characters with unusual abilities.

Players here are landowners and peasants, who are engaged in their land. In total there are 4 main classes of players to choose from. Each of the classes has its own unique abilities, which further determine the course of events in your game. For each class you can choose the right profession – from mining to fishing, everything depends on your choice. The game is designed for teamwork.

Because when the monsters attack your possessions, you will need the help of friends in protection. Profit is also received by you and them – experience points and awards are given for each victory.

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Also, your friends can help you with construction. In general, with the development of your character, there will also be an opportunity to build up your farmhouse to a real castle. Friends can also provide materials or help in the construction itself.

With the help of the crafting system, you can create something new and with unusual functionality. Absolutely useless things that fill up the game can become the right item to help you achieve something new with a Cube. The whole game is built on it – you create useful things from scratch from unknown objects, which are useful in construction, defense or character development.

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You can be sent on a mission to a dangerous place where you have to fight against the oldest bosses. This is the hardest part of the game, after which you will get experience points and an award.

Victory over the boss also gives you unique artifacts. Almost all of them strengthen certain abilities of the characters.

In general, Villagers and Heroes – is a fantasy game with elements of sandbox, which is easily and intuitively controlled on your smartphone and computer. It is a great way to have fun with friends and pass the time in a fun activity.

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Once you have thought of it as a Minecraft clone, get it out of your head! Terraria is a kind of sandbox game, even a platformer. Yes, it seems that the games are very similar, but Terraria has its own atmosphere and players’ mood. Well, the obvious main difference is that it is made in 2D graphics, not 3D.

The two-dimensional hero you can paint as you like, as well as customize it before the game. You can choose the size of the world you want to explore and get started!

Since the game has no story or missions, you can do whatever you want. But usually the first stage of the game is the same for everyone – you have to build a house. Construction is carried out with the help of various resources, which you have to get yourself.

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Traditionally, wood can be extracted with an ax made of wood, while metal and jewelry – digging with a pickaxe under the ground. It would seem that everything is as simple as possible, but it is not like that.

You will be constantly attacked by monsters who will try to stop you. During the day on the ground, monsters will be slugs and at night – zombies. There are also many creatures on the ground: worms and bosses that want to kill you in the dungeons.

There are several biomes in the game. They are not separated on the map, but when you find them, you can see the differences: the grass can change into thorns, the color scheme and the overall mood will change.

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In the cave ecosystem, you can find countless vaults and treasures to explore, much more interesting than conventional resource extraction! Resources and treasures can be found even in the lair of Giant Bees. You can even get to the Golden Room if you are lucky enough – but you need to make a lot of effort for it.

You can buy the necessary items from the traders. Initially, they are your guides in a mysterious new world, and afterward they simply offer their own products.

Terraria is a game that is most interesting to play in a group of people. Connect your friends and find new ones during the game. Together you will not be so afraid to fight against underground monsters and worms.

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Shadowverse is a client game in the Trading Card Games (TCG) genre. The whole game is online and is played among a huge number of users. It is an excellent fusion of fantasy and anime, which attracts fans of these genres.

Cards in the game are incredibly beautiful and accurately painted, the graphics are also at a high level. If you are interested in the game visual aspect, you will like Shadowverse.

Until recently, the game was popular only in Asia, but then the English version of the game was developed and released, and the popularity increased a lot. The atmosphere of the game was appreciated by millions of players, and it is this atmosphere that keeps them engaged.

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The main feature of the game is that you can observe the evolution of characters. Uploaded cards can rise and grow by 2 grades, that is, get a +2 in health or strength. This will give you an additional advantage for a leap and attack. When the creature is already improved, it will not be able to attack.

Visual aspect does its best to keep the users engaged during the whole gameplay. Pleasantly drawn cards, fantasy images – all this pleases the eye and does impress.

Among other things, in the game you can create new cards yourself. This is done with the help of essences. It is given as a reward for battles, daily tasks and missions, as well as victories. In addition to essences, the award is also gold.

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This is a more traditional game currency. On it, you can buy a ready-made deck of cards, as well as items of a wardrobe, equipment for your character, as well as card shirts. With each new piece of clothing, your character becomes even cuter and stylish, so that you will definitely have to spend what you earned.

The meaning of the game is in the rating battles in the Arena and battles with AI. Such battles will give you additional experience and improve your gaming skills, which can not but please. The storyline also carries with it.

To beginners developers are loyal and everyone who goes through the story for the first time is given everything necessary for success. So do not be afraid to start – first you will pass the story, and then go on to win the Arena!

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In case you have never been attracted to positive characters and good deeds, there is a cross-platform game for you too – Antihero. This is a representative of the indie genre, in which you will be taught to be a negative hero. Interested?

Antihero tells about the appearance of a thieves’ gang in an unknown city. All the actions take place in the Victorian era – that is, no civilization and its benefits are out of the question – people did not have electricity.

The whole process of the game revolves around the confrontation of groups. They are constantly fighting among themselves for power and territory. The first couple of missions you will have the training – so you can familiarize yourself with the management and the game as a whole. Unfortunately, you can not miss it – you will have to be patient.

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All members of the groups are constantly stealing something, sharing the territory and engaged in racketeering – in general, typical bandits.

Your task in the game is to bring maximum benefit to your group. You have units that you should use. Initially, the guild has only one earner and a source of profit – the Master Thief. Everything he brought you is used to buy units.

The main puzzle is that in addition to the units, you also improve the skills of your guild. All these decisions need to be made strategically and you will have to think about it.

Eventually, you will have to make several decisions per move and do not get distracted from the storyline. The application does not allow you to relax and concentrate on one thing so that the players will obviously be fond of the process.

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In addition to games with AI, you can also play with real players online. You need to follow each step of the opponent, build a strategy and sometimes even sacrifice your interests in the name of guild profit. Sometimes you can even confront the person next to you – Antihero provides a multiplayer mode at the PC.

In case you are looking for something to do than to take a free evening without dying of boredom, download the Antihero. The non-standard puzzle game will carry you into your criminal world for a long time – the main thing is not to stay criminals in reality.

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Web Tycoon

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In case you are looking for something out of the ordinary, you have probably already played fantasy games, arcades, and sandboxes. Ready to present you a really unusual game for gamers – Web Tycoon.

Web Tycoon is an economic simulator, which can be played simultaneously by users from all over the world. In it, you are presented as a webmaster and developer who wants to succeed in the industry.

In the story, you are at the very beginning of technology development. Literally from scratch you develop yourself and develop your project. With it, you must conquer the top of the web industry.

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Each development will bring you a profit, but which one depends only on you. Even with one service you can already capture the whole market segment and continue to develop even further.

With the money you get, you can expand your staff, hire more talented guys, whose developments will bring you even more money. Do not forget about freelancers: payment for the work at a distance, though not much different from the office, but you will have less costs in real life for employees in the office.

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Remember: Information technology is not in place. Your site will need to be constantly updated and modified. Buy ads on more popular sites, cooperate with brands and much more – in general, feel like a real businessman. Want to try yourself as a web developer? Then install it on your Web Tycoon smartphone or play it through your computer in your browser.

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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

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A legendary game that was released for smartphones demikian juga. If there is even one person who has never heard of GTA, it is strange! But we will still tell you about the cult game.

According to the story, the protagonist Carl escaped from his native Los Santos because of violence, theft, and crime. Everything happens in the early ’90s, so it is not surprising. But Carl has to return home, where he is in family trouble and not only.

On the way home, he is already stopped by the police and accused of killing a cop. From the very beginning, we are told that we will not get away with it, and the gameplay promises to be exciting.

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You will have to go around and explore San Andreas in order to hide or prove your innocence. San Andreas is a huge state, so the journey is a long one.

The game is optimized for mobile devices, so you will not feel a significant deterioration in graphics. Due to the logical reduction of the screen, the developers redrawn some details of the game, worked out the shadows and lighting. If you are a member of the Rockstar Social Club, GTA will even synchronize your gaming experience with the help of cloud storage!

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If you are not comfortable playing via touch screen, Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas supports some gamepads and joysticks when connected from USB or Bluetooth. Now your childhood game or just your favorite app is available even on your smartphone. And when you sync up, you are progressing through the game as well – an incredible convenience.

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Papers, Please

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As a lover of action, dynamics and active fighting, Papers, Please will seem unusual to you. This is a non-standard development for video games genre, which despite everything has its audience and millions of fans around the world.

In the story, you take up the position of an employee of the checkpoint Grestin. Between your country Arstotzka and the neighboring country, the war has just ended, as a result of which half of the city of Grestnin has become owned by your side.

Your task is to control the newcomers. It is your responsibility to check the documents, which will make you decide whether you want to allow the immigrant to enter or not. Incredibly monotonous work done in the style of the repressed countries and dark tones – it seems that could even attract players in Papers, Please? But it is the realism of decision-making that attracts.

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Each time you face a moral and ethical choice. For example, the story can turn so that you separate the family – children, and parents. Or the main breadwinner in the family should be separated from his dependents.

Papers, Please – a puzzle game, solving which, you decide the fate of other people. Looking through the documents, you can find a criminal or serial killer, as well as military, who bombed your country recently.

You make decisions softening your heart, or conversely, incredibly strict – it is up to you to decide. You will have at your disposal a package of documents, fingerprints, and a minimum of information that you need to draw the right conclusions from.

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You sit at the table, the game graphics presents you with everything in depressing colors. However, you can still enjoy the game – because your decisions are crucial. The main thing is to take them right – on a single stamp depends someone else’s life.

Probably, it is this sense of superiority that attracts many users around the world and captures more and more hearts. Install Papers, Please and decide for yourself who you are – a stern cold-blooded clerk or a soft-hearted border guard.

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Most of the powerful games are designed for powerful PC processors. The graphics card is able to show much more detail and graphics, the RAM speeds up the gaming process and prevents bugs.

But sometimes you want to entertain yourself by playing the game on your phone. On the road, in bed or just without access to a computer – all this is not an excuse to abandon your favorite games.

If the application supports cross-platform, then you will also move forward in the game on the plot or progress. Otherwise, it is not a problem: just relax in a nice company of good applications.

Modern smartphones are powerful enough, the technical characteristics are not inferior to some computers. So maybe you would like to use your device for playing games much more – who knows?

You can also check: 7 Games like Horizon zero dawn for Android

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