ESRB Rating Suggests Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD Is Coming To Switch

Earlier this month, we shared the news that a small selection of Oddworld games were headed to Nintendo Switch. The first of those was Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD, which launched last week, but it looks like we now know the second, too.

An ESRB rating has been spotted online for Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee HD on Nintendo Switch. This game initially launched as an Xbox exclusive, but several ports eventually found their way to release including one on Nintendo’s Game Boy Advance and a number of ‘HD’ versions. The platformer has players switching control between Abe and Munch, using their specific abilities to progress, and has received decent reviews over time.

Here’s a screenshot of the rating in question:


Usually, ratings like this one essentially serve as a confirmation that the game is indeed on the way, but we’d still recommend waiting for an official announcement before getting too invested. Our friends over at Push Square reviewed this one on PS Vita, saying that it’s “not a bad game when taken in isolation, but it’s arguably the worst of the franchise’s four primary titles”.

Would you grab this one if it came to Switch? Tell us below.

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